
Monday, February 25, 2013

underarm body odor

Healing Wonders of Herbs

Guide to the Effective Use of Medicinal Plants

By Herminia de Guzman-Ladion,
R.N., A.R.P.T., P.T.R.P.

underarm body odor    

    Underarm body odor is the unpleasant smell coming out of the underarms or armpits.

Water Treatments

    1. Daily bath with a clean change of clothing, including all underwear.
    2. Change clothes every time they get wet with perspiration.
        Better yet, take a bath with every change of clothing, if possible.
    3. Drink at least 6 glasses of water during waking hours.
    4. Avoid spicy foods. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Herbal Medications

    1. Tawas ("Alum") with kalamansi juice mixture
        * Take a piece of solid tawas and pulverize it. Mix
          1 tablespoon with the juice of 1 or 2 kalamansi.
        - Apply on the armpit every after bath and as necessary.
          Use a deodorant.

    2. Buyo-kalamansi deodorant
        * Extract juice from buyo leaves and mix with kalamansi juice.
        - Apply as deodorant every after bath and at bedtime.

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