
Monday, February 25, 2013


Healing Wonders of Herbs

Guide to the Effective Use of Medicinal Plants

By Herminia de Guzman-Ladion,
R.N., A.R.P.T., P.T.R.P.

    Scabies ("galis aso") is a contagious disorder of the skin caused by
Sarcoptes scabiei, characterized by multiform lesions with intense itching
which occur mostly at night.

Water Treatments 

    1. Daily bath with soap and water. Change into clean clothes every
        after bath, including underwears.
    2. Put under the sun all beddings used at night: mat, pillows, sheets,
        blankets and night clothes.
    3. Sleep alone to prevent contaminating other members of the family.
    4. Always keep clean. Wash hands, feet and face, or 

        take a bath before sleeping.

Herbal Medications

    1. Makabuhay vine tub bath
       * Chop a meter-long vine and boil in one gallon water for 15 minutes.
                 Add enough water to fill up one plastic pail big enough 

         to    completely soak a child, if the whole body is infected.
       - For adults, use the decoction for hot compress on the 

         affected parts only.

    2. Kalatsutsi leaves
       * Boil 1 cup chopped fresh leaves and a small branch in 1/2 cup
         coconut oil for 5 minutes. Let cool and keep in bottle for future use.
       - Apply on the infected body part liberally after taking a bath.

    3. Mangga gum resin or sap
        * Mix well the gum resin or sap taken from the mango 

          trunk or bark with oil.
        - Apply liberally on the affected part, 2 times a day
          every after bath and in the evening before sleeping.

    4. Kakawate leaves
        * Extract juice from the leaves.
        - Apply on the affected parts after taking a bath, and at bedtime

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