
Monday, February 25, 2013

bleeding wound

Healing Wonders of Herbs

Guide to the Effective Use of Medicinal Plants

By Herminia de Guzman-Ladion,
R.N., A.R.P.T., P.T.R.P.

bleeding wound

    A wound is a cut or break in the skin and flesh resulting from injury.
First Aid
    Get a piece of clean cloth and apply pressure directly over the
wound for 10 minutes. If the bleeding does not stop after 10 minutes
of manual pressure, reinforce the cloth with a thicker piece of material
and apply more pressure over the wound. Bandage snugly but not too tight.
Let the patient lie down and bring him immediately to the nearest hospital
or clinic if the wound is big and will need suturing. Observe for numbness and
discoloration of the toes or fingers. If there is numbness and discoloration of the toes
or fingers, The bandage is too tight. Loosen but don't remove it.

Herbal Medications for Mild Bleeding

    1. Young saging leaves
    * Pound young leaves until soft and juicy.
    - Drop the juice over the wound. Apply with pressure
    the pounded leaves over the wound.
    Bandage snugly but not too tight. If bleeding does not stop after
    15 minutes, bring the patient to the nearest hospital of clinic
     for proper treatment.

    2. Mayana leaves
    * Wash the young leaves. Crush and extract the juice from the leaves.
    - Drop a few drops of the juice directly on the wound. Apply the crushed
      leaves as poultice. Bandage snugly but not too tightly
      to interfere with circulation.

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